Originally Posted by Mr PotatoHead
You really have no reason not to turn that video in. Give him some notoriety with the cops.

Or the guy figures it out and 50 cents worth of gasoline destroys the op-s business.

Some things are just as they are and some are best just to move past.

Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy
You really have no reason not to turn that video in. Give him some notoriety with the cops. That matters more than you think since he’s going to keep being a pos that will attract attention and the more his face pops up, the more likely they are to hassle him.

I would not turn the video in unless they damaged your property bad. I had the same [censored] go down, bunch of folks of color, smoking weed and drinking at a house close by my business. The next night they came back and robbed the white guy in the house, took his money and drugs, beat his ass and took his handgun. Police detectives noticed my cameras and said there was a serious crime and they wanted to review it. I said fk no, I have to live here and they only fkd with him, anyway turns out the beat up guy and even he would not press charges anyway. Never get involved with gun play unless you are affected, so many of these peeps are so drugged up you will be hurt. I support the police, but know when it is time to mind my own business. The detective gave me no info on what happened, I knocked on the dudes door and asked why the cops are after me because of you? Even if they throw the azzholes in jail they will figure out thru their lawyer who had the film and come back. In the end he met up with a nice girl, changed, and has become a great neighbor, go figure.