Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Originally Posted by Dart 500
Originally Posted by wingman
NFTs are a scam to get people to buy cryptocurrency (another scam).

I actually watched some of that Youtube video. Here's the summary for those who didn't click on it:

First 5 seconds: "I'm going to explain in very basic terms."
The rest of the video": 8 minutes of dazzling pseudo-technobabble designed to suck you in.

You say bitcoin is a scam? How about the USD that has lost 99.5% of its value in the last 80 years - that is the scam my friend. Bitcoin is trading at around $45K per coin right now and in coming weeks will be given the green light by regulators and then every Tom, Dick and Harry will be buying it. Every bank, fund, investment group, country, it'll be in the S&P 500. We'll see what you think of it then when it hits 1 million and beyond per coin. Quote me on that.

"Full faith and credit". When your imaginary currency has that, get back to me. Until then, you can ride the lightning if you want.

As to your assertion that the dollar has lost 80% of it's value, how about some supporting documents to that? I can tell you this; most working people have a far more comfortable life style and far more possessions now than they did 80 years ago. And during that same 80 years, the United States currency has become the envy and the standard currency of the entire world.

No one truly knows what the future holds economically. If you are so smart on it, why the heck are you on this board? You should be in high finance. Or lounging on your yacht. But you aren't, are you? You're on here, pontificating.

I am not on my yacht because I also called this stuff a scam when it was $10. The USD is headed for the toilet, the money printing, the Russia thing, it is no longer the world standard. Soon a new Ram will be $150,000 because the dollar is worthless, You do you bud.