Originally Posted by 6PakBee
I don't know how your wife is but if she is like mine, if you choose anything other than what she wants....you will be hearing about it until 1) you no longer live in the house, 2) the floor fails and has to be replaced again, 3) hell freezes over. Maybe the husband is the king of the castle but the queen makes the decisions. DAMHIK. Install the Coretec and move on.

LOL, 42 years ago we made an agreement. What goes on inside the house is primarily up to her, what goes on in the shop is
primarily mine. We do discuss things and listen to teach others opinions wink

When we still lived in Ca. the washer and dryer were in the front of the garage. I would use the tops for extra space. She developed a habit of leaving folded laundry on top of them. I asked several times for her to not do so. one day she cane out and said where'd the towels go?
I responded with I spilled a bunch of burnt trans fluid and there were handy so they're under the car. I'll was h the when I'm done.
About 20 minutes later she came out with her purse and keys. i said where you going? She responded to by some towels eek biggrin laugh2
It was never discussed again nor was there any laundry left n the garage unless it was inside the machines wink beer