I've ridden up and down that pass a couple of dozen times and all on motocycles/dirt bike. One time with my wife on the back my KTM 600 4-stroke single and I lost the rear disc brake. Cooked the brake fluid and the pedal pressure was gone. I got it stopped and didn't tell my wife what just happened, just asked her to walk down about 50 feet and wait for me by that small water runoff. Nursed the bike down with compression and the front disc brake, and cupped water from the runoff on the caliper to cool it down. Got the rear brake back and then headed into Telluride at the bottom to change a return flight ticket for my wife so we could ride for another four days! GREAT TIMES. "Brakes, we don't need no stinkin brakes", I told her later how far we had ridden down Black Bear Pass without any rear brakes and she said thanks for not telling her. laugh2 laugh2 I still have that 600 up