Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
I didn't see what percentage of green house gases made each year world wide come from the U.S work
Me think we produce a lot less (80%+) than China does, let alone what the rest of the world makes twocents work
The last NASA study by them in 1990 I saw showed the air entering the U.S. on the west coast was 20% dirtier that it was when it left going towards Europe and the Scandinavian countries work We clean up the atmosphere, we don't pollute it boogie

When I visited China in 1981 their official coal production was 600,000,000 US “short tons”
but their Mining officials admitted to us when drunk on sorghum liquor that it was really about half that.
At every mine visit the local officials would get drunk “entertaining” us foreign visitors.

Today China produces more than 4,000,000,000 short tons of coal,
and still imports additional coal.

China and India waited until the last hours of the recent Scotland Greenhouse Gas treaty meeting,
then demanded (and eventually got)
an exemption to keep increasing coal production until 2040

China uses coal to produce solar panels and rare earth minerals.
Many factories in China have their own private coal fired electric generating plant beside the factory.

Right now, trainloads of Russian coal are arriving in Germany.