I really wanted to take the time to start a new post just to say THANK YOU to all of you. So many of you have given me and my family your words of encouragement and concerns about my racecar, and it truly means the world to me. So many of you I just met this past weekend down in Charlotte and I already feel like I have known you just as long as my Chrysler Classic friends back here in Ohio. Others, I have met in passing along the way.

I can honestly say that once the word got out about the motor while driving home I got phone calls from my Moparts family. It just means so much to have the support that I do from all of you. So Thank You ALL! I really want to take the time to just give some shout outs as well..

Special K & Larry Smith
Allen Ross
Bob George Racing
Wild Bill

And there are many more that I am sure I am forgetting. But so many came up to us either at the track to share your concerns. I'm truly overwhelmed with the emails that we have received from people offering to help get this car back on the track and trying to make it possible for us to make it to the Chrysler Classic race here in two weeks. All of you make times like this much easier to get through.

When I came back I honestly was not sure if my race season would be much of anything this year, but with all the help of a few we just might still have a chance. So again, thank you my Moparts friends. You all have truly managed to give me hope when I needed it the most.

As we get more details, we will keep you all posted.