Originally Posted by McLovin
Originally Posted by Brad_Haak
Having driven over it for many years, I'd never really thought of it until a former coworker of mine admitted he had to have somebody else drive so he could keep his eyes closed when going over the Chesapeke Bay Bridge in Maryland. So I just looked it up: https://www.washingtonian.com/2011/08/05/bay-bridge-one-of-americas-ten-scariest/

Enjoy the drive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-yh8T1i-Wc

Oh, the video doesn't really convey the feeling that you're 200 ft in the air across miles of open water, but it gives you an understanding of how looooonnng it is.

+1 for the Annapolis Bay Bridge. Bridges normally dont bother me but that one does. Low railings where you can look directly out your car and into the water, theres no shoulder, youre 200+' in the air and oh, btw, theres a big bend in the road.

A lot of people are freaked out by the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (the 20+ mile one that connects Virginia Beach with the Eastern Shore on US RT 13) but I like to drive it, its really impressive.

Drove over that bridge thousands of times. I have to admit the first few times I did drive over it I was not liking it. Now it doesn`t bother me at all. I have towed cars, boats and campers over it with no issues. If towing a boat make sure you have everything secured down when you get near the highest point as crap will blow off. I do have to say that bridge is always being repaired. It seemed like when they just finished the big resurfacing some years back on the newer span they were back at it cutting holes and patching the concrete. IMO, it`s a poorly run bridge. Constant backups and other issues that seems like it could be managed better. Lots of jumpers off that bridge too. .