I'm inherently lazy. So, if I'm going to spend time doing something.... I do it once - correctly. If possible, I'll even try to future proof it if possible to prevent subsequent failure. I missed my calling as an Engineer.
I don't know what it is.... maybe because I don't have BEER at my place, people rarely come around to help. Thing is, I prefer a slight distraction be it somebody to talk to or listening to music. Occasionally, a spare set of hands is very welcome.

However, to the flip side of that.... a LOT of people call upon me to come help with their projects. I've helped one friend build 1.5 Willys trucks.... helped another friend completely disassemble a Gremlin and harvest it for parts (former V8 Gremlin but far, far too rusty to even consider any kind of restoration).

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....