I just read about a new fuel that is made by combining hydrogen and I believe it is magnesium. The product can be stored safely in a canister, has 100 times the storage capacity of a lithium battery. All it takes to turn this paste into power is add water! The reaction releases the hydrogen in the paste and also the hydrogen in the water used to activate it. This could power a hydrogen fuel cell or directly run an internal combustion motor, or charge battery's of an EV while powering the vehicle as well. I haveno idea of production costs but if they are reasonable you could end up having a triple hybrid capable of powering your house in a blackout, or power a construction site. Think of it. Pull up to the fueling station and buying fifty pounds of paste H fuel, in an exchange canister . Top off the water tank and have a 600 mile range. It may take some time toget this going if it is cost effective enough to do with today's tech. It would appear on the surface to be a major breakthrough in low carbon emissions fuel. Time to build some nucleur power plants to supply the power for production.
On another note, somebody (Bill Gates?) Is working on very small nuclear generators, small enough for a single home. We are on the edge of major changes in how we power most every thing. Think of all the possibility a, and these are the ones we know about now. Tomorrow may be much brighter.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky