Not far out of the Gate of US 131 Dragway is a small gas station, and we always fill the street tank with fresh 91-93 octane, depending on what the station has. Some Klotz Octane boosted is added before filling up. In 2018 we used the stuff to keep the 13+:1 HEMI happy on the street. On our first attempt to measure the Klotz out, it didn't go so well. Joel had brought with a plastic measuring cup, and when I went to clean it out, the cup was melting from the Klotz. It's some nasty stuff, and you do not want any to get on you. We quickly learned that a stainless steel cup was needed, and Joel had purchased one in 2018. Problem was, we didn't have it with this time. Add it to the list of things needed at our first stop. We were also in need of a transmission type funnel for filling up the street tank in the Coupe. Those work best as the tank is in the front part of the trunk area of the Coupe, and while on the road, the trunk is PACKED with our needed stuff for the week. Without a funnel, we needed to improvise on Drag Week right away. I happened to have a almost empty Root Beer bottle, and that soon served as a funnel, and measuring cup once we found a knife. Add a pocket knife to the list.

Once we were gassed up, and fresh snacks for the trip, we got on to US 131 South, and headed to the first exit, so we could find a parts store, and get a new brake switch installed in the Coupe. Not far off the route we found a O'Reilly's Auto. Joel parks the Coupe out of the way of normal traffic to the store, so he has room to fix the switch. As we walk in, there is a customer installing new headlights into his clapped out truck. If we hung around long enough, we might have picked up a few new swear words. He didn't look like he was having a good time. Joel walks in ahead of me, and the lady behind the counter gives Joel a quick glance. Not sure if she is seeing things, or if she just witnessed Blake Sheltons stunt double walk in after a bad accident? Joel asks for a brake switch, and I start wandering around finding things we need for the week. A pocket knife, a funnel, AF sensor, Pipe thread tape, electrical tape, bottle of Old Harper, a crescent wrench for the AN fittings, and a plastic comb for Joel.

Not able to find a steel measuring cup, I told Joel I'd walk over to the WalMart next door, and see if I could find something there. "OK, but just get the essentials." "What do I look like, an idiot?" More walking... It took me a couple minutes to find the Household good area, and see what was available. last time Joel was able to just buy a single cup, but this time, all I could find was a stack of cups. It's all they had, and I didn't want to waste any more time in the place than I needed. I walk back to O'Reilly's, and Joel was just coming out of the store. I show him the measuring cups, and Joel asks "Are you baking me a cake?" "It's all they had. I can keep one, and toss the rest, but never know if we'll need them."

Joel got busy working on the brake light switch, and we finally hear the familiar rumble of a Drag Week car off in the distance. First one we've seen since we left, and here it's Clark Lamb, and his Dad, Bill. "What do you guy's need?" we asked. "Set of air shocks" Clark replied. Good luck with that one... Off Clark went into the store. They must have had a revolving door we missed, because as fast as Clark walked in, he walked out. They wished us good luck, fired off the worlds heaviest small block, and headed down the road.

"I think I got it." Joel said still leaning in the Coupe to repair the brake switch. Power on, left blinker, right blinker, brake lights, tail lights. Everything is good. Lets hit the road! We pile ourselves in the Coupe, and head East to US 131, then head South. Joel quickly merges with traffic, and as I'm glancing down at the route sheet, smoke starts entering the car. Oil on the headers? Intake leaking? Valve cover gasket? "Joel, we better get off on the next exit, and see where that's coming from" With a concerned look on his face, he agreed, and we took the first right, then saw a Loves gas station on the left. Joel finds what he thinks is a good place to park... Right next to dog pen area, where the sprinklers are running. Hop out of the car, and take a quick glance at the HEMI. Nothing there.. Bend down to see if anything under the car is dripping, "Awe SH!T!" I tell Joel. "What?" The entire bottom of the car is covered in gear lube. It doesn't take long to find out where the fluid is coming from. The rear seal has been pushed out of the tail housing. This isn't good. We discuss things a bit, and Joel thinks that maybe when he installed the oil pump in the transmission, that it might be building pressure, and pushing the seal out? Maybe the vent was plugged? "What now Joel?" "Well, we will have to pull the transmission, and fix it. Maybe take the pump out?" "No way..." I told him. It took Joel months to reassemble that transmission at home, with a fully equipped shop. No way we could do that here in a Loves gas station. We could be done with Drag Week right here...

Last edited by JERICOGTX; 10/12/21 05:59 AM.

69 GTX 68 Road Runner