Originally Posted by dOc 3.0 !
SunnyRuff... I was buds with Denny for awhile when he was “out” .. and I met BF at a celebrity auction.. ole bill bonds and CoolMan was there too ...

Btw .. where’s DM these days ?

Don't know where Denny is living these days or what he is doing. Where I grew-up, we moved there in 1964 - it was a new subdivision in Livonia, MI. Denny McClain lived in a house at the end of our block, Tiger's Dick McAuliffe lived behind a buddy Paul just a few houses down from us. Kinds cool having a couple Tigers living right in our vicinity, I never saw either of them though. They moved just a few years later probably to Bloomfield or somewhere more ritzy. The 60's were wonderful.

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified