Originally Posted by AndyF
Originally Posted by massdaytona
a question - in our cars, we have an alternator that keeps our battery charged - why can't they rig up something similar to continually charge the batteries of an elec vehicle.??

Perpetual motion machine! Better go file a patent for it, you'll be rich.

Why not just toss a small honda generator in the trunk? It could kick in when the battery gets down to something like 25% and charge some while driving either to just extend your range a little or fully charge when the grid can't keep up... some are very quiet, just rout the exhaust out the back somewhere, give it a fresh air duct for cooling and there you go. If the manufacturer wanted to incorporate one they could make it run at a fixed RPM and load so they can design it to be very efficient

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!