My oldest was a Junior in HS and thought it would be really cool to take my Mustang to the first day of soccer practice and look cool. We have traffic circles and as he was going, it started to rain. Into the circle he went and tried to shift coming out. For those not familiar with 06 Mustangs, if you look online you can find many with smashed up rears. He found out why as the rear came out and right into a guardrail he went. Naturally, he knew better than to drive my car so he had to call and tell me. I first asked if he was okay. Then I asked if the car was driveable. He managed to get it home and when I got home from work I took a look. Then I told him there were 2 ways to handle this. We could call the insurance company and let them pay for it, but his insurance was going to go sky high, or, he could take the car into the garage, take the front apart and fix it himself. He choose the later. Fortunately the neighbor who is a body man gave him a hand and got parts painted. It only took 1 week and cost him $2700 for parts and paint. I never blew my lid which I think shocked him but I'll tell you what, none of the cars move now magically.

67 Barracuda FB 69 Superbee "Southern Maryland: If you want a good looking woman, you had better bring her with you"