Originally Posted by Frank Cannon
Originally Posted by 67vertman
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by DirectSubjection
The fact that any of that was an acceptable idea to he kid shows dad might not have taught the kid to be responsible. There's blame everywhere there.

iagree Spoiled snot nosed punk will learn NOTHING from it twocents

He should have learned it before the incident!

You guys didn't do burnouts and donuts and race people in high school?
I feel sorry for you.

i recall driving dad's 4 door Oldsmobile in high school. There was that one night I drove it (it was a fun night), but the next morning, the transmission wouldn't move the car. Because I was the last one to drive the car with a functioning transmission, dad reasoned that I was the guy that got to buy and install the replacement transmission, which I did.
I rebelled and bought my own car. Dad didn't say a thing (other then the expectation of repayment) when he loaned me the money to buy the replacement transmission for my car.... I think dad was pretty smart.