Originally Posted by slantzilla
A friend of mine sold his Harley a few years back and took a bank check for it. His bank said it was good so he released the bike to the buyer. 2 weeks later he gets the call from his bank, check was counterfeit. He got lucky, his bike was insured with State Farm and they paid out for theft.

Now that's interesting. The guy in my golf league who found out 2 days later the check was a fake, called the police first & they started looking for the car. Then he called his bank whose employee said the check was good - so what - so she couldn't tell if it was legit or not. Then he called his insurance co. - they asked him if he handed the "buyers" the keys - he did - they told him he was on the hook for "giving" them the vehicle. His insurance company would not back him - he was out over $18k unless the car was recovered. I certainly learned a lesson in selling anything from this!

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified