Originally Posted by moparx
Originally Posted by bigdad
Bondo , ick

many, many [and many more] moons ago, my buddy and i were at the auto auction looking at a car. the make and model, plus the year escapes me.
anyway, while looking at this car, an old guy sticks his head between us and wispers : "CARS WITH BONDO AREN'T SAFE !"
my buddy looks at me, and i at him, with the expression of WHAAAAT ? and just that quick, the old guy was GONE !
we looked for that guy the rest of the day, and never saw him. as the auction was not that large, it would have been almost impossible to NOT spot him if he was there !
for many auctions we attended over the months after, we never seen anyone even remotely resembling that guy !
all these years later, we talk of that event, and just wonder.......... shock
