Originally Posted by JDMopar
Sorry you got hurt, even though you made it sound like a cartoon plot! Serious business though...if you did in fact get a cut/tear on "The donut", be very diligent about the hygiene until it heals.

I feel your pain... two words: Fissurectomy and Sphincterotomy. Yes, it's as bad as it sounds sawzall
It took seven weeks to heal, not surprisingly since I had to poop every day - plus the stool recontaminated the wound each time. Worth it in the end (pun intended) whistling

Infection is still quite rare for anal injuries and surgeries - that area is surprisingly resistant. But if it does happen, as you noted it hurts. A lot.
Glad you got better.

OP, the only good thing about this injury is the stories you will be able to gross out everyone with for years to come laugh