Kinda surprised it took as long as it did to suggest roof top solar for charging yer EV. What's the plan if ya live in an apartment or condo? Slight tangent: years ago I had some window replacement company calling me on the phone persistently. Finally gave up and invited them to come give me an estimate because my windows sucked. Yes, was living in an apartment and no, never heard from them again.

A winter related reason to hate new cars: Apparently if you buy almost anything built this century with frameless side windows (aka hard top), it's tiny little brain also controls the window. Ya know the bit how it cracks the window when you grab the door handle, then closes it when ya shut the door. It's all great and entirely pointless until ya get a thin coating of ice similar to the OP. It really doesn't take that much ice between glass and door felt to glue the window shut. This also prevents the door from opening because the top of the glass is stuck in the weather strip. Ya know, the reason for the trick power window motor in the first place. First few times I encountered this, the internal debate was just how hard can I yank on this door handle with breaking the glass or something else. Ya know, stupid snap together cars. The bonus fun is when you finally get the door open, it won't close again until ya heat up the car enough to melt the ice. As for the whole objective of creating a better window to door seal: my 75 hardtop with the original weather strip seals just fine. Her 2012 has a annoying whistle at speed.

This was 2014. I think it was April before I got my truck out of that garage.