Originally Posted by Soopernaut
Ice is far worse than snow. I saw the weather maps and noticed snow as far south as Houston, which I'm sure rarely happens.

Here it is -9° with a -29° wind chill.

I'm about 35 miles SE of Houston. I'm real close to Johnson Space Center. ("Houston, we have a problem").

The temp is actually dropping. Now it's 16 and with the wind chill, feels like -4...... eek

To add to the 'fun', the power grid for this area is overwhelmed right now, so they're having rolling blackouts. They're trying to do them for less than an hour, but in some areas, the blackouts are happening every couple of hours, so the home has no time to warm back up.

And by Saturday, it's supposed to be in the 70's. shake_head


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥