Your link doesn't work. It just goes to the main page instead of to the specific piece that you bought.

I'm in the same boat as you. I bought a two piece trunk floor from Year One years ago and have not yet installed it. Now, after having learned to weld, I know that I'll never be able to install the Year One trunk pans in a way that will satisfy me (the center seam runs through a narrow dimple in the trunk pan so that I'd never get that seam to look right).

My plan is to use these pans as welding practice sheet metal and just buy a one piece trunk pan from AMD. I realize that most of us are not made of money, but if I'm going to spend all that time and money to install a new trunk pan, then I'm willing to eat the bucks that I blew on the YO pans before I knew better, in order to get something I'll be happy with.