A few years back, I got to see a major rod failure explosion on a 440 Source stroker kit build, part of the owners build included a Source swinging pickup like the one in the pic. The pickup had taken a heavy hit from the rod beating on it so it was going to be trashed. I asked if we could cut the swinging section in half so we could see how big the passage was. Well it wasn't big at all, in fact it was rather small. The owners kid had some graph paper & the little genius plotted out the internal cavity cross sectional area & it basicly converted to just less than a 7/16 diameter. So having 2x -8 lines sucking from this pickup was pretty much a waste of time as it was sucking from a source less than 1x -8 hose. Every since I've just used a single static pickup with a -12 hose, I figured that was more likely to be able to pass oil than the cheap Source unit. I like oil in my engines at rpm & kinda thought the lack of oil may have been a contributing factor to the failure, a broken rod.