Originally Posted by not_a_charger
Originally Posted by Sunroofcuda
Originally Posted by Mr. Potatohead
Unfortunately, you got a mattress and they got your money. Thats about it, stinks.

And that's what I see too. My plan is to file suit in small claims & take them to task. IF they send a representative, we will rake them over the coals & we will get the judgement. All I got from them was the receipt, & it said no details about re-stocking or any return policy. Then collecting may be another story. A judge will slap them down - I have full confidence. They have NO case. I will take great pleasure in this.

Now I gotta find a reputable place to buy a mattress from. Never thought I'd see the day something like this would happen from JCP. I guess it's just desperate out there anymore - every man for themself.

As noted earlier, they are bankrupt. They don't care if you file suit in small claims. Imagine how many creditors will be ahead of you in line. It sucks that you got stuck with this mattress, but you're going down a path of throwing good money (and your time) after bad.

Good point & I knew JCP was in money trouble, but I had not heard they were actually bankrupt. With practices like these, it's no wonder. I guess I contributed to their bail-out fund! They got me!

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified