Originally Posted by Redbird
If we see only things like the RTS cars, it is great.

At the same time we had rivers on fire, air in urban areas was awful, there were large protests throughout the country, there were huge divisions throughout the country concerning Vietnam.

1968 had the moon orbit, but it was a disaster of a year for so many people and the world.

In 1970 the USA was much more rural centric, though much, much less than the 1910's.

If you got cancer or had a heart attack outcomes were a lot worse than today. Way less obesity than we have today. Grandparents being 65 was a milestone, and they were very old. Opportunities for travel generally involved car travel for most travel. Many parts of the interstate highway system were still not complete. Minorities had more limited opportunities. Houses were affordable.

I love the cars from the 1960's and early 1970's. Everything about them, the marketing and the dealer items, was so much fun to see. You knew then the new car body styles came out, and styling was apparent even year to year. Ads were not on line like today, so you got tangible things to take home.

It was such an interesting time to be a kid in, because you were somewhat insulated from the bad. Public schools had Drivers Training classes.

We had Peter Max folders to put our papers in that we went to school with,

Exactly. Good old days weren't always as good as our memories make them out to be.

However, we all have the luxury of hindsight. Kids today don't. They make the world work as they see it, and I guarantee that doesn't align with our view in most cases. I'm also willing to bet our Great Grandparents said the same thing about our Grandparents during thier time on earth.