I'd like to expand a little on sourcing locations. The fire maps are good as are early GLO (government land office) survey maps and also the notes they logged. Find some locations and talk with the owners of the property and offer to split whatever you find. Most won't care unless you fond something very valuable.My best finds were several bottles worth 40-50 each. The best a very nice gold ring (likely 14k or better although not marked) from the mid 1850 or 60's with one of the original state seals on it, very similar to the "official seal" but the components are within a shield shaped field rather than a circle. I found it when I returned to a digging spot and the rain had washed mud/dirt aray leaving it fully exposed on the surface. Other notables a 1878 (iirc) silver dollar and a silver pendant that pulled apart and when the body inserted into the cab became a usable pencil. I can post up pics later. Right now I feel like going out and detecting. It's a rush finding stuff.