Originally Posted by 05dakota
PROBALLY carlisle

What exactly is the point of a comment like this? With so much negativity in the world right now, why add to it with your OPINION? If someone wants to report a FACT that an event is canceled or rescheduled, that's actually helpful information.

Every event promoter is trying their best right now to at least have a PLAN. In some cases, that means canceling or postponing the event. That's a really hard decision for them to make. For those of us who are doing everything we can to hold our event(s), we don't need the unnecessary negativity. All that does is put others in a negative frame of mind.

If someone doesn't want to come to Carlisle this year (or any other event) that is THEIR choice and I respect that decision. But making guesses as to whether or not an event will occur is totally pointless.
