complaining about body shops seems to be a regular thing on moparts, and by no means am I in anybody's corner , while I do restoration work also and shody work is not something I do at any price. I always give it my beast whether it be quoted or hourly. as it should be. however when unforeseen issues come up it should be documented and discussed with the customer. way to often that is where the problem comes in ,usually those decisions are based on financial factors established by the customer, at that point the shop has a decision to make ,and that is where the second issues comes in to play. the shop has to decide to compromise his work ethics or stand his ground , and possibilly lose the customer. . in most cases the shop compromises and for financial reasons, (the first sing that your in the wrong shop) its a 2 fold problem that's for sure . as for stopping by the shop everyday that's fine with me, then the customer can see what we have to do , everything is not a ten minute job and just because we do it for a living doesn't mean its easy for us. just like your job , not everyday is a good day. to put things in perspective . How much do get paid for your job and what tools of your trade does it take compaired to the resto shops investment to do his . of course that has nothing to do with shody work .