Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
Yeah, you are willing to work with them as long as you get cash in your hands LMAO. Yeah, that's working with them. Whatever, your actions don't surprise me either.

Yes, I am willing to work with my customers as long as I get cash in my hands. You must be sitting at home, bored and wanting to argue. It's too bad that you do not see the value and protection that cash transactions provide. But I do and my customers know it long before they ever got in their car to come to me. How they prepare for that is on them.

I absolutely guarantee you that when I go somewhere to consider a deal, I go prepared to be able to actually do that deal.

My business is classified 'essential'. So I'm conducting business. My way. And I enjoy doing business my way. And tomorrow, I'll be out conducting my 'essential' business. Buying, selling, making money. What will you be doing? And although I am sure it was not your intent, you made my morning by being upset with my successful cash business.

Thank you. grin

Well you sure do think highly of yourself, but actually I couldn't care less. I'm not upset in anyway. You do you. laugh2

UPDATE: The folks called first thing this morning. They went to 2 branches of their bank and got their cash, came up and bought the Grand Cherokee. Just to sooth some feathers, I gave them the Guitar Jones discount of $100 for their trouble. They were not nearly as upset as Guitar Jones was about the whole deal. They were primarily unhappy with their bank, not me. And are changing banks ASAP.

I had to explain to them what the Guitar Jones discount was. They laughed and said they didn't expect the extra $100 dollars off, but thanked whoever Guitar Jones was for it.

So, Guitar Jones, you made some folks very happy by your insolence. We all realize that that wasn't your intention, but once again, unintended consequences. And once again, you get a thank you. This time from my customers. up

Keep up the good work! grin

Master, again and still