Originally Posted by SRT6776
I also believe you'll see that the huge shut downs were overkill and history will prove it and remind all of us about it frequently.

I think that's premature, until the lifecycle of this virus is fully understood, especially regarding how it mutates. There are people right now who have had the virus, both here in the US and abroad, been 'cured' but then two weeks later have retested positive for the virus and start to show symptoms again.



This virus strain can be spread by people who have it but show NO symptoms. I realize people are going nuts over being cooped up and over the loss of their livelihoods, But unless social distancing continues, we might well see death rates approaching those of the 1918 Spanish Flu. In the US, that was 670,000, when the population in this country was a lot less dense than it is today.

In short, we need time for the real science to be done and an effective vaccine is made available. Studies have already concluded that the malaria drug that's been touted as a cure is not effective in a broad enough portion of the population to be a cure.
