The new normal will be almost identical to the old normal. The question is only how long it takes to get there.

I completely agree. It won't take long for things to go back to normal. Just look at 911. A huge segment of the population wasn't even born when it happened. With the exception of airline regulations and extra bag checks when you enter large venues, what has changed? People will forget about this fairly quickly IMO.

My favorite example is sports, it's been completely stripped in all forms from the Globe. Once considered a religion by some has dissolved and people have found other things to do and have probably reconsidered many priorities in their lives. Will they still watch? Probably. Will they still feel they have to watch every game and keep up? For the most part, I think not.

I don't agree with this at all. I'm pretty much the only person at work who doesn't live and breath sports. Everyone I work with has been going crazy without it. I'm talking about people who have their kids in every possible sport. They are at sporting events EVERY weekend and most week nights. I don't get the appeal but for the people I work with sports are their life. That will not change one bit.