Depending on your reported income, you may be one of many people stuck in the middle.

Being able to get help from Obamacare and the amount of that help depends on income. Make too much and they won't pitch in very much or not at all. Or the deductible will be so high, there's no sense in even participating. Working poor people can get substantial help with good policies and little out of pocket. Really poor people end up with Medicaid at the state level.

On the other side is people with jobs that provide decent insurance for little or no cost or they can afford big premiums and/or deductibles.

People stuck in the middle - small business owners, working people who aren't make 75-100k a year - have to decide if they can afford insurance. Or if they want to take their chances and not give a substantial percentage of their income to an insurance company.

Sucks. I remember when I could get catastrophic insurance for a decent premium and a deductible that was realistic.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.