I just realized I never did update my story in this thread. I had another biopsy in October, and they put me to sleep for that one. They took 24 samples, and they ALL came back negative. Had another PSA 3 months later, and it had gone up a fraction more since the prior one. My Doc sent the samples from the last biopsy to some DNA lab in California to be analyzed, and those results came back that next time I had a biopsy, there was a 44% chance that it would return positive samples. My doctor is a Urological Oncologist, and said we needed to do another biopsy, but go about it in a different way. It was called a Peroneal biopsy, and that is where they stick the needle in that 2 or 3 inch space between your rectum and your scrotum. Thank God, I was asleep for that one too! In and out with the needle 24 times! eek Well, my luck ran out this last time, and 6 of the 24 samples came back positive for prostate cancer. The tumor was hiding on the bottom side where they had not gotten a sample coming from the other direction. Doc says it's a small tumor, but is an aggressive one as far as prostate cancer goes. We went over all the options, and I have chosen the surgery because the tumor is so aggressive. He is very well versed in the DaVinci surgery, and does 8 to 10 per week. He says due to the placement of the tumor, it is on the backside of the prostate away from the 2 nerve bundles he tries to save, and that gives him a very good chance at providing me with a better outcome as far as incontinence and ED are concerned. He told me right up front that I would need Viagra or Cialis for the ED. He sent me for a bone scan, just to make sure the cancer hadn't spread, and that came back good. My surgery is on Wed morning, and I guess I'm as prepared as I'm gonna be! I'm not so much worried about the surgery, as I am about getting Corona'd while I'm in the hospital. It isn't too bad here where I live, but it is still concerning! I'll try to update again when I get home and used to the catheter.