Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
Originally Posted by Dartforforty
Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
I was actually surprised this pipe doesn't have an inner lining. The handyman that replumbed the water lines said it's ok being exposed as long as the bend is gentle. What do I know? I haven't even seen a gas appliance since I was 18.

The Key word being Handyman, He is NOT LICENSED
The National Standard Plumbing Code states you must be licensed to work with potable water lines and waste pipe lines
So I would say your handyman is not licensed to do plumbing let alone give his opinion how to properly install a gas line

He is a retired city engineer so... And again, I know there are no building codes in this county.

Being an engineer doesn't make him a plumber
I don't dispute his credentials as an engineer

A handy man is just that, one day he is a painter, next a roofer...…. A jack of all trades and master of none

I went to school, did my apprenticeship and took a test to get a plumbers license
Plus here in Jersey we do a 7 hour class every two years to review the codes and renew our licenses

When I purchased my property in Virginia I went to the town hall and got a book on building codes.
Basically it said they would approve any construction project that followed the manufacturers guide lines of installation

On a final note I am glad I don't live in a state where they allow a ticking time bomb with an endless fuel source to lay in wait