Originally Posted by antonellomopar
In Italy today they closed all shops, save for food and pharmacy. About 900 deaths, around 10.000 infected. I am wondering how things will work in the USA. We have free health care, and if somebody is ill, social care will pay his salary. So, as soon as someone feels bad, goes to the hospital and he is checked for free. If positive, he gets a room, assistance, and medical care. His salary is paid by the social care. What about the US?

:laughs in freedom:

Honest answer is that people will just go to work if they're sick. Most places (especially service type jobs), either don't have sick days, or have very few. Unless they've saved up a nest egg while working at minimum wage (ha!), they won't be able to afford to not work.

They won't go to the hospital until they're on deaths door because of their $10k deductibles, if they even have insurance.

A lot of states have "at-will" employment, which means you can be fired for any reason at any time, including not showing up if you're sick. They really can't afford to lose their job, so again, they'll just come in when they're sick.

About three weeks ago I probably had the flu (my daughter tested positive for influenza-A a few days ago), but luckily I work remotely from home anyways, so I was able to trudge along from home, taking a nap at lunch and again after work. We do have some savings, but I still couldn't really afford to miss the hours :-/

If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.