Originally Posted by Sunroofcuda
Originally Posted by Doc Fiberglass
Originally Posted by Mr T2U
i got a check from UPS for $3k. this is what the bike was insured for and what the bicycle was really worth.
i do believe, my friend never told me the exact amount, the law firm got $2K for legal fees.

So that was a settlement and not a judgement? No punitive damages ?

I believe recovering the legal fees would be considered the "punitive" damages. Am I right?

in my opinion you are correct.

my case was SETTLED OUT OF COURT so terminology differences are irrelevant.
the only thing i know 100% is i got a check for $3K.
my lawyer friend told me the legal bill was taken care of, it was paid by UPS. i didn't have to worry about paying that. my friend told me there was about 15 billable hours mostly filing motions and phone calls between lawyers , he told me that while i bought him a expensive lunch after i got the check. i never got any exact details on what was required to handle the case and what exactly the legal firm got paid..

perception is 90% of reality