Originally Posted by tuff440
madscientist I would have thought the lifter bore or bushings if used would be getting the side loading, don't the link bars have en-longated slots where the rivets go to allow for movement thus taking pressure off the rivet.

I'm not sure of the science behind it, but the way I understand it, because the lobe and the wheel are flat, as opposed to tapered for flat lifter stuff, it actually tries to twist the lifter I'm the bore. So the load on the rivet is from twisting, not from running out of slot.

IIRC, that was one of the reasons why lifter bore guided lifters were developed. On those they use offset pushrod seats. I know is some Chevrolet stuff I did we saw some issues coming running offset lifters.

Just an FYI...I may not have all the details correct but I'm pretty close (I hope).

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston