IMHO Mopar has failed miserably in the sales prediction department for years and years. Around 2000, they had a 2 dr sports coupe on the board but cut it due to a perceived lack of demand. Then they missed the market the first year of the Hellcat by not being able to build nearly enough to meet demand. Then they royally screwed dealers and buyers alike by opening the flood gates on the '16s. Then they opened the order banks on the Wide Bodies, only to run into production problems that limited production to a few hundred. And on and on..................

I'll be they have been very surprised that the Challenger has sold as well as it has year after year. They certainly did not have a clue as to it's overall success.

But their ignorance and disruption of the market has led to a glut of Hellcats and a good amount of bargains. Look at any auto sales site and you will see hundreds of used Hellcats for sale, starting in the low $40k range. Not much more than the Helliphant and it's associated hardware sells for.

Oh Mopar........................

Master, again and still