Originally Posted by sasquatch
This is total BS!!! I had been waiting to get any pricing and they pull this crap. I doubt they made 10. Just a couple months ago while investigating this for a customer they had only built TWO. WHO built them? How many actually shipped? I have been a MP dealer for years and they cannot send me any fracking Aircleaners but they can produce these in total secret and ship them all over and NOBODY has seen them? Bull feathers!

iagree I think if I had 40K to drop on an engine it certainly wouldn't be that one. Maybe they found out that demand was too short at the moment. Once all these late model cars get used and abused there will be more demand. I think the days of introductory pricing are long gone. Get everything you can get, right off the bat! I heard $19,999 at one point when it was a Superbowl commercial? shruggy Now all of a sudden it's 10K more and there are none?