How hard are you going to push it when it OD, Mr_P_Body? I don't really push mine in OD, in fact, I have an adjustable vacuum switch that drops it out of OD with a drop in cruise vacuum. Kinda like passing gear. It's actually a lot of fun with passengers. I am not afraid to push it in OD, I just don't need to.

My biggest concern was hitting the clutches in the OD unit that the lower gears must go through at the launch. I know it can handle a lot of power. But like so many other drive train components, the hit at the line will find any and all weak links. I have had it to the track a couple of times, but only made a hand full of passes. Unlike my last combo (440/499, 727) which I beat on unmercifully and therefore needed to work on regularly, this one I am not as anxious to wrench on. Just getting old and lazy, I guess.

Master, again and still