Maybe for a serious racer.....but tell the average guy who likes to go to the track and run his new car once in a while, that he has to put on an oil retention device on his brand new car and he won't be back.

Most of the oildowns I've seen in my fifty years of racing don't come from broken rods, etc.....they come from an oil line, a trans line, or something like that coming loose, or a leak. A Diaper won't help those anyway. A 6000 rpm bracket motor does not oil the track all that often.

Maybe those 9500 rpm small blocks do it, but not too many big block anything oil the track.

Just the fact that they are beating on the rank and file bracket guys to let one, but don't make the class racers put one on really makes me suspect of the reasoning behind it.

"Old Age and Treachery beats youth and enthusiasm"