for a winter project i picked up an 8 3/4 clutch type sure grip unit off of craigslist. given the unknown origin i wanted to give it a complete rebuild. when i got it apart the clutches and plates had HEAVY galling. However all the other parts looked good. a trip the the parts washer confirmed that there was only very light rust spots on a few places from sitting. so i knocked the rust off with a wire wheel and got a mopar performance clutch kit. now i have begun the rebuild process, making sure that the plates went in in the correct orientation. i saw a tip that said to put an axle in each side to make sure the 2 sets of spline line up for assembly. i did this then hand tightened to 2 halves together and recheck. the axles wouldn't seat fully. so i loosen the case halves and put the axles back in through both splined parts on each side. i stand the whole assembly up-right. i can then lift and lower the sure grip to make sure everything is seated and not binding. i then tighten the case halves together. now both axles are locked solid into the sure grip unit. so now i split the difference. i loosen all the bolts and start tightening in quarter turns each round, making sure the axles move. now they are stuck and the case isn't near closed. i did center punch both halves and they are lined up. anybody have any ideas?