Nothing is bulletproof. Sometimes you just do what you can to minimize or mitigate the weak links.

I'd read about people having sprag failures, front drum explosions, etc., and assumed it was something only "faster" cars needed to worry about. Then I was watching from the starting line when an 11.0 car's 727 puked on the hit, including the "big bang" from the stock front drum coming apart. The driver had to be helped out of the car by the track personnel because he was injured when the drum grenaded.

My junk was only as fast as that car was at that time, but my trans got pulled down and upgraded with a billet front drum, bolt-in sprag, and a few other things recommended by 440Jim at the time. I'm switching back to a LBA valve body now, too. It still won't be bulletproof, but it might be a little more stupidproof.