You seem to missing the big picture,not married and no kids is saving you more than you ever know.

Originally Posted By second 70
Originally Posted By B3422W5
Originally Posted By Mr340
Originally Posted By mopar dave

There was a bunch of other businesses that gave $1000 bonuses to employees because the tax cuts were so great. Lowes, consumers energy just to name a couple.

Most of those bonuses were graduated, meaning only the 20yr+ employees rec'd 1K were as a 1 to 2yr got $100, 3 to 5 got $200, ect....not all it was cracked up to be.

And kindly tell us how many got even a dime in years past.
Fact is, lots of people got bonuses they never got before as a result of the tax cuts. You can quibble, but many hadnt before, and did now, and some got a good bit

I got a bonus they raised my tax bracket to 32%.

I guess the over $41,000 Federal taxes I paid last year wasn't good enough. I'm a retired lineman that made the mistake of never getting married,having kids,or living in debt. I did without and saved and invested. And my reward is to always pay a higher percentage taxes than the top 1%. The tax on my same income would be over $9000 less just by being married. I don't mind someone getting a break but quit billing me because I'm single and don't have any right offs.

who is that guy?