
Somebody out there,and I mean,"out there"suggested
that Eastwood's Argent paint was a close match for
original '67 GTX trunk panel finish,so I bought a Can..nice paint,came out of Can good,but way too
light,and flake far too small to even come close!
Don't some of You get it??"Close"only counts when it comes to hand grenades and horse shoes...

Whoa, chill out. I don't remember the exact post, but unless you use the EXACT material originally used, anything else is going to be 'close'. If 10 people used the Eastwood paint for the finish panel and 5 thought it was close enough and 5 though it wasn't, what is it really? The only thing for sure is that it isn't like the original.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".