What are the chances that one of the bottles of fluid you used maybe had water in it?

A long long time ago, when I first moved to Florida the trans in my '77 Diplomat failed (converter welded itself to the pump) and since I was bringing home a whopping $117.50/wk, I sought out a used one.

When I went to pick it up (small nearby jy) the trans/converter had been left basically right under the eaves of the office bldg. Pulled the stick, water/fluid.

I mentioned it to them, and was assured it would be fine, just change out the filter ... and since at the time it was the only one I could find in my $ range that's what I did.

I have no idea if it had a shift kit in it, or had been overhauled, I just installed it, and it turned out to be one of the best 904 trans I ever had. Shifted great, firm, and never a problem. Go figger.


It takes gasoline to interest me.