Originally Posted By AndyF
I've been spending time on the Sniper forum and the biggest problem I see is that a lot of people don't understand how sensitive digital electronics are to RF noise. EFI wiring has to be protected from RF so that means resistor plugs, resistor wires, keep the ignition stuff away from the EFI wires, fly back protection on relays, etc. It is fairly simple to do it correctly but if you don't know what you don't know then you can screw stuff up.


I had this problem with my Commander 950 using the ign pickup for a tach signal. The inside of a distributor is basically a lightning factory and my tach signal looked like a jagged ribbon 3000 RPM wide. I had to splice a shielded cable as tight to the pickup as possible to get a usable signal.

Another issue is ground differentials. If you don't know what that is, just follow the wiring instructions to the letter because if it says to power and ground a particular circuit to a specific point, there is a reason and the reason is ground differential.
