Originally Posted By BradH

I bought some Jeg's house-brand jets recently to fill in a couple of sizes I was low on. One size measures slightly smaller compared to the Holley of the same #, but the Jeg's jets have an obvious bevel on the entrance to the hole that the Holley doesn't, so they very well could flow the same. On the other hand, one of the three sets of Jeg's jets isn't even sized consistently between the pair. The smaller one doesn't appear to have been machined all the way thru the hole, so I have zero faith they flow the same, much less that they are rated correctly as a Holley replacement. Don't think that I will be buying any more of those...

A quick update on additional jets I purchased: I was disappointed w/ the Jeg's jets I mentioned buying above, so I bought some additional jets from eBarf which were advertised as Holley jets and used the Holley part # in the description:

"2 PACK HOLLEY CARBURETOR MAIN JETS SIZE 81 122-81 1/4"-32 4150 4160 4500" (Bolding is mine to emphasize their use of Holley name and Holley part #)

The jets that arrived are NOT Holley jets; they appear to be the same QFT/Proform/Jeg's jets that haven't measured consistently, which I wanted to replace with "real" Holley jets.

The full order hasn't arrived, but if -- as I suspect -- they're all "non-Holley" jets, I'm going to be in touch w/ the vendor about it. down