On my '36 Plymouth coupe, I need to remove and replace the door windows in both the driver's side and passenger's side. There are two brackets that descend from the crank mechanism and terminate in a groove in the window channel. Looks simple enough, right? For the life of me, I can''t figure out how to position the brackets to where they can exit the groove and I can slip out the channel and window. There are numerous fasteners that secure the crank mechanism and I've tried backing them off to see if they free anything up.
I have to believe it was made to allow quick and cheap R&R of the glass so the installer could make a buck. I expect to be embarrassed when I learn how simple.
I don't have a service manual and I haven't found any online source, but maybe there's someone who has done it or knows of a resource that describes it.
I'd appreciate any information or referral. Thanks