ha ha, another opinion thread.
Lets go.

Originally Posted By Frankenduster

Rear disc brakes in new cars is a "Keeping up with the Joneses" issue.

I tend to follow this line of thought.

Not to mention they cost less to produce in the first place.

If you feel you need discs go for it.
As for the down hill mountain scenario,
Cars used to run those mountains back when ours were new.
Drums worked if you knew how to drive the mountains.
Of course; Speeds and weight have increased a lot since then.

It all boils down to what trips your trigger.
You want 4 wheel disc? Go for it.
Myself I don't need dics at either end, When crusing my vintage tin.
I cruise on 2 lane black top and enjoy the scenery.
Stop in small towns and meet the locals.

If I'm in traffic where folks tend to accelerate at stop signs, pass in merge or turn lanes and basically think the first guy home wins or something like that.
Then I need to be in something more modern.

I have mechanical Aptitude.
I can screw up anything.