Originally Posted By Andrewh
the most common problem is snapping off the carbon rod post in the center.

amazingly it will run for a while even with that snapped off. But eventually will fry the electronics.

you have to be very careful putting the cap back on. you can't tilt it like you would do a normal distributor. If you do, the rod snaps off.

I killed 3 of them before the guys at super shops(yes that is how long ago I got it) figured out why they were dying.
I had to pay for the replacement parts for the last one, but learned not to kill them again.

Never heard of that but very possible. I don't remember what year Super Shops went down but that Unilite has to be more than 25 years old. Pretty cool.

How many times have you replaced the module if you don't mind my asking?

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston