Sectioned off the air cleaner (8 sections) base and used 7 methods.

0000 steel wool followed by a polish (semichrome)
Aluminum foil and coke followed by a polish (semichrome)
Turtle wax chrome polish
Semichrome polish
Mother's Chrome polish
Meguiar's Ultimate compound followed by Meguiar's Ultimate Polish

All sections were followed by Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax for protection. One section was left cleaned, but not polished or waxed. It's hanging in the garage to see how it looks a few months after the experiment. I may hang it outside to see how the weather effects it. I took a photo of the polish/compound pads after they were used. I used the same cordless drill and pads (made mini ones from a larger polishing pad)and you can see some turned more black than others.

My chrome is not flawless, just want to clean it up the best I can. I am leaning towards semichrome or just using Meguiar's.
